Customer Testimonials

"M&F Western Products has been with Tech Systems since the beginning. They have always been great to work with and are willing to configure programs to fit my needs. Someone is always there to answer the phone and get me back up and going if I have a problem. I get to work with great people that care about my business. Thank you, Tech Systems."

John Eddins - M&F Western Products Inc

"Standard Golf has been working with Tech Systems and utilizing their software for well over 20 years and we believe longevity of our relationship speaks for itself! We have always found the software to be very user-friendly, stable and critical to running our business but just as importantly, the people there are incredible! From Customer Service, to Programming to Product Development and simply can’t find any organization who does things any better than Tech Systems. Incredible products, incredible people...that's Tech Systems!"

Cindy Corwin - Standard Golf

"Tech Systems is one of our premier vendor partners. During our three year partnership they have consistently helped us to analyze and implement ways we can improve our processes and have helped us to use their software at the highest level, including customizing it to better serve our needs. Their customer service is exceptional and they always respond immediately to any questions or issues that arise. They are an exceptional partner and we look forward to continuing to work and grow with them in the future."

Susan Tempero - Tundra Specialties