Module: Production Management

Production Management Features

End-to-End Solution

The integraSoft WEB solution provides an extensive suite of Accounting, Distribution, and Business Intelligence modules, including Production Management.

Assembly System

Use the Production Management module to build finished goods and subassemblies. Work orders can be created directly through the posting functions of Production Management or finished products “ordered” through the Order Entry and Warehouse Transfer modules can trigger assembly in Production Management.


Traditionally, kits are products that are packaged together and sold under a unique product number. Use the Production Management module to define the products in the kit and tie the products to the kit product number. Kits can also be “unpacked” and returned to stock as separate components.

Operational Highlights

  • Define parent/component relationships and track the quantities needed of each component to build the parent.
  • Set up unique relationships by warehouse. Ensure that quantity and scrap requirements accurately reflect the production conditions of each warehouse.
  • Handle work centers and labor rates to help you determine costs.
  • Forecast possible outcomes based on the number of parent products ordered.